Oh April, where did you go? And how did I run so few miles that month? Ugh.
Anyway, there was a sad lack of miles last month, 85.2 miles to be exact. I know some of that was because it took me a lot longer to recover from my hard half marathon effort so I guess I can't be too upset about it.
I am pretty upset that I didn't get a good long run in this weekend. There is only one more weekend until Riverbank and I was hoping to keep my long run shorter, like 10 miles, this weekend but now i don't know if that's still the plan. Last Saturday we had plans for the day to go to the zoo with some friends that Paul works with and their kids and we were going to run on Sunday. On Sunday morning my knee just felt off. It was a little sore and achy, but it also felt creaky and unstable. I don't know how to explain it. I've never had knee pain or weird feelings before so I was surprised. I didn't really think it would be the best idea to run 15 miles or any miles on it at that point. I guess that was the right decision because the next day it felt fine and I haven't had any problems since then. To keep from being crazy and bored we decided I should try to tackle something I've been putting off because I hate this kind of thing, dress shopping. My brother is getting married next month and I had yet to even think about what I wanted to wear. Lorelei is all set though, if you remember. I'll show you again anyway just because its so cute.
Here were my top 3...
I polled a few people, and the mint green dress won. Done. I kinda liked them all though. As far as actual running goes, this week I've done a little. 7 miles on Monday, Paul was trying to kill me and they were at sub 9 min pace. Sometimes that pace feels easy but that wasn't the case on that day. It just felt hard and my stomach was not happy either. On Tuesday I did 3 miles at the gym then did some core work. It was so muggy and sticky in there I hated it even more than usual. I'm hoping for another 7 tonight. The ice cream truck kind of followed us home on our run the other night. Creeper. You know Lorelei had to get something.
I usually at least have yummy food to tell you about. Umm, not so much today. I did make a peanut butter carrot birthday cake for one of my dogs. Here is the link to that recipe. I also tried out a couple of new things, Italian Tempeh Nuggets and Parmesan Spinach Orzo, both were ok, but I didn't really love either of them. I think the tempeh would be better in something rather than on its own. And I blame Paul for the orzo, he didn't use the right parmesan. He used grated instead of shredded. I've forgiven him.
Lorelei and I had a picnic in the yard today. I made my favorite sandwich. I'll tell you what's on it but don't judge me. I like to put mustard, hommus, extra sharp cheddar, spinach, tomato and Doritos on it. I really only buy Doritos when I want to eat this sandwich. It's amazing.
Enjoy your evening!
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