I may not be able to run like a Kenyan, but I can eat like one.
I found a Kenyan recipe on my Door to Door Organics page and I was really excited to try it out. Here is the link to Kenyan Simmered Kale and Sweet Potatoes, or Sukuma Wiki. I haven't seen any recipes for this where sweet potatoes are added, other than the one I linked to, but they were really good. Traditionally Sukuma Wiki, which means "to push the week" or "to stretch the week" is either kale or collard greens and tomatoes.
For the most part I followed the Door to Door Organics recipe. I did use canned tomatoes with jalapeños instead of dicing up tomatoes and a jalapeño. Sometimes you just need to use a shortcut. I also added a few cloves of garlic in with the onion. For seasoning, I did use salt and pepper, but I also added some Cumin and Chili Powder. I love those flavors with sweet potatoes so I just sprinkled some in. I don't know how much, you know I don't measure. It was REALLY good. We loved it. Sadly, it was a tad too spicy for Lorelei, next time I'll leave the jalapeños out and see if she likes it. I made Bulgur wheat to go on the side. I cooked it in the extra vegetable broth. It was a perfect combo. I really like Bulgur wheat, I should make it more.
That's really all the cooking that has happened around here this week. I'm not going to go into the details but we've been really busy and haven't been home much for dinner this week. Last night we had a picnic at the park for dinner.
As far as running goes this week, I've done little. I've had a lot going on and really just haven't felt like running. Yes, there are times when I don't feel like running. Shocker, right? I'm tired and stressed and just don't feel like it. I did force myself to do 5 miles on Tuesday, but that's it so far. I'm really ok with that. I've trained for 2 races already this spring so I really don't mind taking a week of downtime and just running when I want to. Always training for something can really burn you out so maybe this is just the mental reset that my running needs. I'm not going to just slack off though. I do plan to do some strength training this week, mainly at home workouts, because I hate the gym. Also because Lorelei is currently refusing to go to the gym. On Tuesday when I picked her up she was crying because the other girls were mean to her. I'm not one of those parents that just assumes my kid is innocent in all situations so when I started asking her about it she told me that she was mean to them too. I don't know who started it, but the other two ended up playing together and she was left out. And sad.
Other random pics from our week.
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