I should be turning into a black bean any second now. With a side of spinach.
We had lots of black bean burgers left over from Friday's dinner so I've been eating them like crazy. I'm still not sick of them, they're that good. After my 10 miler yesterday I broke one up on top of some spinach, added the leftover roasted sweet potatoes, and some Red Hot Blues and had an awesome salad. This morning, for breakfast, I broke one up and put it in a whole wheat wrap with spinach (remember that I mentioned spinach so that it doesn't seem strange when I talk about it again in a minute) and honey mustard. That sounds like a strange breakfast, but I don't like traditional breakfast foods. And for lunch I ate one on a bun. I finally put the rest in the freezer for later. They freeze really well, I just wrap them individually in plastic wrap and then foil.
Back to spinach, I've been pretty obsessed with it lately and I'm ready to declare it my favorite salad green. It's been weeks since I've bought lettuce, maybe months already, and I don't miss it one bit. And spinach is better for you anyway. It has 3 times more calcium, iron and potassium than leaf lettuce. When I say leaf lettuce I don't mean iceberg lettuce, that stuff it mostly water and I don't bother with it. Spinach and lettuce both have lots of other vitamins and minerals, like Vitamins A, C, B-6, K, folate, niacin, etc but spinach has a lot more per serving. And, since I'm lazy and hate washing and cutting up lettuce, I love that I can buy big bags that are already washed and ready to go. I know you can buy lettuce like that too, but I never did because I can eat an entire head of lettuce in one salad so it just wasn't cost effective. I think the lazy factor is the reason I haven't tried other greens in my salad...
Anyway...yesterday's run was great. It was cold out, but I didn't feel too cold once we got going. I actually felt great. We finished the 10 miles and I felt like I could have done more, a lot more. That's a good feeling. My hips have been a bit sore the last few days so I was really happy that they didn't bother me on the run. And the pace, was around 9:30, I'm happy with that for a long run, we intentionally kept it slower since it was a long run. I had to rein us in quite a few times when I noticed we had sped up. All your runs shouldn't be at the same speed, you need to go slower sometimes.
Other than running, we went to a birthday party at lunch time. Paul told me at 11pm the day before the party so I got up early and made the little Birthday Boy a dinosaur. You can't show up at a kids party without a gift! And I forgot to take a picture of it. The only one I've ever made that I don't have a picture of. His mom sent Paul a picture of him snuggling with it, she said he loves it. Great success! It was cute, I used fabric that had cute little monsters all over it. Perfect for a 3 year old boy. It was also my weekend to serve at church. I had lots of fun with those 3 year olds but I was exhausted when I got home at 9:30.
Today was so sunny and nice so I went for a walk with my favorite. We had quite the adventure. We collected sticks and smashed snowballs and stomped in snow piles.
And we made soup for dinner. Lorelei likes making soup. Probably because she gets to help with most of it. No recipe, just threw some stuff together. Here's the general idea. I sautéed onions, carrots and celery, then added a can of diced tomatoes, a can of chick peas, a can of red beans, 32 oz of stock (use whatever animal or vegetable stock you like), salt and pepper, garlic powder, oregano and basil. When it was boiling I added about half a large bunch of kale. I just tore it up as I tossed it in. It was really good. Lorelei liked it all except the kale. She wouldn't even try it.
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